First, what’s considered a high risk industry? High risk merchant processing is very similar to providing fire insurance to high brush real estate. The increased scrutiny, cost, and volatility is a result of the environment. Because of surrounding conditions,...
Paymintz Merchant Services & Hall of Fame Baseball Card Shop
Getting Icon’d w Foley Portraits
Business Lessons I learned…from Karaoke #4
If you are worried that you are going to make a mistake, make it a BIG ONE. It is not uncommon that the song in the karaoke menu, that was going to blow the walls off the bar, suddenly sounds and feels different to the anxious crooner on stage. In the car or shower...
Business Lessons I learned… from Karaoke #2
Don’t...ever, ever, ever sing a Whitney Houston song! You probably love Whitney, and you should, but don’t do it. Resist the temptation to be Whitney for three and a half minutes. You might sing well and everyone may tell you that you are a great singer BUT, you...
Business Lessons I Learned….From Karaoke #3
Don’t Ever Sing a Slow Sad Song… Unless You are Really Grieving. You got the pipes, you can carry the tenor and the falsetto well. It’s also ladies night and the Karaoke attendance is robust . However, if you think Chris Isaak’s “Wicked Game” is going to be able to...
Business Lessons I learned…from Karaoke #1
Make a habit of singing a new song every time out. You have your favs but if you sing U2, Seline Dion, or Pat Benatar every Wednesday you are going to do two things. You will end up hating the great music that gave you such joy for so long, and you will sacrifice a...
Business Lesson I learned…from Karaoke?
Try a new song every time out. You have your favs but you learn something about yourself when you try something new. Good or Bad learn something. Don’t ever ever ever try to sing Whitney Houston. You may sing well but it will never be as good as Whitney and you just...
Christy Jones
I love hanging out with Christy Jones. She makes the work week fun!